Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Nene Hatun Tünelinde (İzmir)‘Q’Kaya Kütle Sınıflamasının Uygulanması (1+ 504.00-1+ 314.30 KM)
Bu çalışmada, İzmir şehir içi ulaşımına çözüm için yapılan İzmir Hafif Raylı Sistemi (İzray) kapsamında açılan Nene Hatun Tünelinin Konak şaftından - Üçyol'a kadar olan 197.00m lik kısmının jeolojisi ve jeolojik kesiti ...
Assessment of Water Quality of East Part of the Ergene Basin, Turkey
Although Turkey, particularly the Thrace region, seems to be rich in soil and water resources in comparison to its location, population growth, pollution caused by industrialisation and possible global warming threaten the ...
Budget analysis for water reservoirs using an autonomous sensor-equipped mini boat
(American Scientific Publishers, 2015)
Water is an inescapable necessity for all forms of life on Earth. Therefore, both man-made reservoirs and natural reservoirs play critical roles for several purposes. Evaporation is an important factor that should be taken ...
Assessment of water quality of east part of the ergene basin
Although Turkey, particularly the Thrace region, seems to be rich in soil and water resources in comparison to its location, population growth, pollution caused by industrialisation and possible global warming threaten the ...
A real-time remote monitoring of water quality by means of a wireless sensor network
(American Scientific Publishers, 2014)
Water is the key component of life on planet Earth. Although most of the Earth's surface is covered by water only a very small percentage of it is drinkable "fresh water." Drinkable water quality is influenced by several ...
Heavy Metal Concentrations of Groundwater in the East of Ergene Basin, Turkey
(Springer, 2014)
The aim of this research was to investigate the concentrations of the heavy metals (copper, iron, zinc, chromium, cadmium and lead) and determine their relationship between pH and EC in the east of Ergene Basin, Turkey. ...
Assessment of scaling properties of groundwater with elevated sulfate concentration: a case study from Ergene Basin, Turkey
(Springer Heidelberg, 2013)
In this study, the Langelier saturation index and the Ryznar stability index of the groundwater of the east of Ergene Basin were evaluated to assess the corrosivity or scale-forming tendencies. Corrosion is one of the most ...
Navigation System of an Unmanned Boat for Autonomous Analyses of Water Quality
(Kaunas Univ Technology, 2013)
This paper presents a navigation system for autonomous analyses of water quality using unmanned boats at drinking water reservoirs such as dams and holding ponds. As it is well-known, water quality plays an important role ...
Modeling of spatiotemporal variations of groundwater levels using different interpolation methods with the aid of GIS, case study from Ergene Basin, Turkey
(Springer Heidelberg, 2021)
Monitoring of groundwater is important for sustainable use and planning of an aquifer. Water level information is the main source of information used to understand aquifer response. In this study, based on the geostatistical ...
Application of Water Quality Index with the Aid of Geographic Information System in Eastern Thrace to Assess Groundwater Quality
Su kalitesi değerlendirmesi, çevresel yönetim planlarının daima önemli bir parçası olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, Doğu Trakya Bölgesi'ndeki yeraltı sularının içme ve sulama amaçlı kalitesi değerlendirilmiş ve sonuçların mekânsal ...