Gelişmiş Arama

Toplam kayıt 3, listelenen: 1-3

    • On the Some Non Extandable Regular P-2 Sets 

      Özer, Özen (Univ Putra Malaysia Press, 2018)
      Diophantine 3-tuples with property P-k, for k an integer, are sets of n positive integers such that product of any two of them by adding k is a square. In the present paper, we consider some regular P-k- triples and prove ...
    • On The Some Particular Sets 

      Özer, Özen (2016-12)
      For t an integer, a Pt set is defined as a set of m positive integers with the property that the product of its any two distinct element increased by t is a perfect square integer. In this study, the certain special P-5, ...

      Özer, Özen (Kırklareli Üniversitesi, 2016)
      For ?? an integer, a ???? set is defined as a set of ?? positive integers with the property that the product of its any two distinct element increased by ?? is a perfect square integer.In this study, the certain special ...