Browsing by Author "Tuna, Murat"
Now showing items 1-20 of 55
A novel high speed Artificial Neural Network–based chaotic True Random Number Generator on Field Programmable Gate Array
It is well observed that cryptographic applications have great challenges in guaranteeing high security as well as high throughput. Artificial neural network (ANN)–based chaotic true random number generator (TRNG) structure ... -
Altın Oran Denge Noktalarına Sahip 3 Boyutlu Bir Kaotik Osilatörün Gerçek Zamanlı Donanımsal Gerçeklemesi
Tuna, Murat; Fidan, Can Bülent; Koyuncu, İsmail; Pehlivan, İhsan (IEEE, 2016)In this study, the continuous-time, autonomous, 3D chaotic system having golden-section equilibra which is recently presented in the literature is implemented firstly as discrete time on an FPGA. In this design, the 3D ... -
Analysis, FPGA implementation of a Josephson junction circuit with topologically nontrivial barrier and its application to ring-based dual entropy core true random number generator
Ramakrishnan, Balamurali; Oumate, Alhadji Abba; Tuna, Murat; Koyuncu, İsmail; Kingni, Sifeu Takougang; Rajagopal, Karthikeyan (Springer Heidelberg, 2021)The analysis and field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) implementation of a resistive-capacitive-inductive shunted Josephson junction (RCLSJJ) circuit with topologically nontrivial barrier (TNB) are investigated in this ... -
Artificial Neural Networks based thermodynamic and economic analysis of a hydrogen production system assisted by geothermal energy on Field Programmable Gate Array
Yılmaz, Ceyhun; Koyuncu, İsmail; Alçın, Murat; Tuna, Murat (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019)In this study, the thermodynamic and economic analysis of a geothermal energy assisted hydrogen production system was performed using real-time Artificial Neural Networks on Field Programmable Gate Array. During the modeling ... -
Yüksek, İzzet; Görgülü, Sertaç; Kocabey, Süreyya; Tuna, Murat; Dursun, Bahtiyar (Znack Publishing House, 2015)This study was conducted to evaluate the daylighting performances of classrooms. For this study, a classroom in Kayali Campus and two classrooms in Kavakli Campus of Kirklareli University have been selected. In these ... -
Assesment of Daylighting Performances of Classrooms: A Case Study in Kırklareli Universıty, Turkey
This study was conducted to evaluate the daylighting performances of classrooms. For this study, a classroom in Kayali Campus and two classrooms in Kavakli Campus of Kirklareli University have been selected. In these ... -
Bir Fazlı Tetikleme Devreleri İçin Eğitim Amaçlı Kullanıcı Arayüzü Tasarımı (MATLAB GUI)
Ak, Muhlis; Tuna, Murat; Amaç, Ayşe Ergün (2007)Bu çalışmada mühendislik ve teknik eğitim fakültelerinde okutulan güç elektroniği dersi müfredatında yer alan bir fazlı tetikleme devrelerinin simülasyonları için bir grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü tasarlanmış ve mesleki ... -
Bölgesel Kalkınmada Etkin Rol Oynaması Beklenen Meslek Yüksekokulu Mezunlarının Problemleri ve Çözüm Önerileri: Kırklareli Örneği
The qualified technical staff requirement is one of the most important necessities of the Thracian religion’s industrial companies. The contribution of a technical staff on development and usage of the company’s technologic ... -
Bulanık Mantık Üyelik Fonksiyonlarının FPGA Üzerinde Gerçeklenmesi
Karataş, Fatih; Koyuncu, İsmail; Tuna, Murat; Alçın, Murat (2020-04-18)Bu çalışmada, gerçek zamanlı Bulanık Mantık uygulamaları için gauss, triangular (üçgen), trapezoidal (yamuk), generalized bell-shaped (genelleştirilmiş çan eğrisi) üyelik fonksiyonlarının matematiksel modeli referans ... -
CCII current conveyor and dormand-prince-based chaotic oscillator designs for secure communication applications
Chaos is one of the important research areas in recent years. The chaotic signal generator is oneof the most basic structure in the chaos-based researches and applications. In this study,Sundarapandian-Pehlivan Chaotic ... -
The comparative analysis of boost DC/DC converter used in hybrid electric vehicles
Tuna, Murat; Amaç, A. E.; Ak, M. (2012)Power electronics converters are the periodically changing systems because of their switching structures. For this reason, the dynamic attitudes of the converters show nonlinear characteristics. The analysis and design of ... -
Control, synchronization with linear quadratic regulator method and FFANN-based PRNG application on FPGA of a novel chaotic system
Koyuncu, İsmail; Rajagopal, Karthikeyan; Alçın, Murat; Karthikeyan, Anitha; Tuna, Murat; Varan, Metin (Springer Heidelberg, 2021)In this work, LQR method is proposed for controlling and synchronizing newly developed chaotic system. The developed 4-D chaotic system has been investigated via time series, phase portraits and bifurcation diagrams. ... -
Design and implementation of arrhythmic ECG signals for biomedical engineering applications on FPGA
Karataş, F.; Koyuncu, I.; Tuna, Murat; Alçın, M.; Avcıoğlu, E.; Akgül, A. (Springer Heidelberg, 2021)In this study, eight arrhythmic ECG signals from vital signals [sinus tachycardia, supraventricular tachycardia, premature ventricular complex (PVC), atrial fibrillation, AV block: 3rd degree, ventricular fibrillation, ... -
Design and implementation of hydrogen economy using artificial neural network on field programmable gate array
Koyuncu, İsmail; Yılmaz, Ceyhun; Alçın, Murat; Tuna, Murat (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020)In this study, economic analysis of the hydrogen generation and liquefaction system has been modeled using Multi-Layer Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network (MLFFANN) and implemented on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). ... -
Design, FPGA implementation and statistical analysis of chaos-ring based dual entropy core true random number generator
Koyuncu, İsmail; Tuna, Murat; Pehlivan, İhsan; Fidan, Can Bülent; Alçın, Murat (Springer, 2020)In this paper, a novel chaos-ring based dual entropy core TRNG architecture on FPGA with high operating frequency and high throughput has been performed and presented. The design of dual entropy core TRNG has been generated ... -
Dormand-Prince Tabanlı Kaotik Osilatör Tasarımının FPGA Üzerinde Gerçeklenmesi
Son yıllarda öne çıkan ve önemli çalışma alanlarından birisi olan kaos ve kaotik sistemler kriptoloji ve güvenli haberleşme, endüstriyel kontrol, yapay sinir ağları, rasgele sayı üreteçleri ve görüntü işleme gibi alanlarda ... -
Dynamical analysis, sliding mode synchronization of a fractional-order memristor Hopfield neural network with parameter uncertainties and its non-fractional-order FPGA implementation
Rajagopal, Karthikeyan; Tuna, Murat; Karthikeyan, Anitha; Koyuncu, İsmail; Duraisamy, Prakash; Akgül, Akif (Springer Heidelberg, 2019)Recent developments in the applications of neural networks in various engineering and technology applications have motivated researchers to study the nonlinear behavior of such networks. In this work we investigate a ... -
Education Purpose Design of User Interface (Matlab/GUI) for Single Phase Trigger Circuits
Ak, Muhlis; Tuna, Murat; Amaç, Ayşe Ergün (2013)In this study, a graphical user interface has been designed for the simulations of single phase trigger circuits which take place within the syllabus of power electronics course given in the engineering and technical ... -
Effective and Reliable Speed Control of Permanent Magnet DC (PMDC) Motor under Variable Loads
Tuna, Murat; Fidan, Can Bülent; Kocabey, Süreyya; Görgülü, Sertaç (2015-11-15)This paper presents the effective and reliable speed control of PMDC motors under variable loads and reference speeds. As is known DC motors are more preferred in industrial practices. This is that, the PMDC motors don’t ... -
Electronic Circuit Design, Implementation and FPGA-Based Realization of a New 3D Chaotic System with Single Equilibrium Point
Tuna, Murat; Fidan, Can Bülent (2016)In this study, numerical, analog and digital circuit modellings were presented with 3 dimensional, continuous, autonomous new chaotic system. Lyapunov exponentials spectrum and bifurcation diagram were presented with ...