Browsing by Author "Taşgın, Mehmet Emre"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Creation of A Vortex in A Bose-Einstein Condensate By Superradiant Scattering
The creation of a topological vortex by a superradiant scattering of a Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beam off an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is theoretically investigated. It is shown that scattered superradiant radiation ... -
Dynamical Instability of a Two Component Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Optical Lattice
Taşgın, Mehmet Emre; Öktel, M. Ö. (2006)We investigate the dynamical instability for a two component Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) in an optical lattice. We assume that the two components are in sinusoidal potentials with the same period but different phases. ... -
Metal nanoparticle plasmons operating within a quantum lifetime
Taşgın, Mehmet Emre (Royal Soc Chemistry, 2013)We investigate the dynamics of a plasmonic oscillation over a metal nanoparticle when it is strongly coupled to a quantum emitter (e.g. quantum dot, molecule). We simulate the density matrix evolution for a simple model, ... -
Metal Nanoparticle Plasmons Operating Within Quantum Lifetime
Taşgın, Mehmet Emre (2013)We investigate the dynamics of a plasmonic oscillation over a metal nanoparticle when it is strongly coupled to a quantum emitter (e.g. quantum dot, molecule). We simulate the density matrix evolution for a simple model, ... -
Photonic Band gap in the Triangular Lattice of Bose-Einstein-Condensate Vortices
We investigate the photonic bands of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate with a triangular vortex lattice. Index contrast between the vortex cores and the bulk of the condensate is achieved through the enhancement of the ... -
Quantum Correlated Light Pulses From Sequential Superradiance of a Condensate
We discover an inherent mechanism for entanglement swap associated with sequential superradiance from an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. Based on careful examinations with both analytical and numerical approaches, we ... -
Quantum Correlations Among Superradiant Bose–Einstein Condensate Atoms
Quantum correlations among atoms in superradiant Bose–Einstein condensates are discussed. It is shown that atoms in the superradiant atomic condensate can exhibit continuous variable quantum entanglement analogous to ... -
Quantum Entanglement via Superradiance of a Bose–Einstein Condensate
We adopt the coherence and builtin swap mechanism in sequential superradiance as a tool for obtaining continuousvariable (electric/magnetic fields) quantum entanglement of two counterpropagating pulses emitted from the two ... -
Quantum-Masurement Backaction From a Bose-Einstein Condensate Coupled to a Mechanical Oscillator
Taşgın, Mehmet Emre; Steinke, S. K.; Singh, S.; Meystre, Pierre; Schwab, K. C.; Vengalattore, M. (2011)We study theoretically the dynamics of a hybrid optomechanical system consisting of a macroscopic mechanical membrane magnetically coupled to a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate via a nanomagnet attached at the membrane ... -
Spin Squeezing With Coherent Light Via Entanglement Swapping
Taşgın, Mehmet Emre; Meystre, Pierre (2011)We analyze theoretically a scheme that produces spin squeezing via the continuous swapping of atom-photon entanglement into atom-atom entanglement, and propose an explicit experimental system where the necessary atom-field ... -
Testing the reliability of a velocity definition in a dispersive medium
Taşgın, Mehmet Emre (Amer Physical Soc, 2012)We introduce a method to test if a given velocity definition corresponds to an actual physical flow in a dispersive medium. We utilize the equivalence of the pulse dynamics in the real-omega and real-k Fourier expansion ... -
Testing the Reliability of A Velocity Definition in Dispersive Medium
Taşgın, Mehmet Emre (2012)We introduce a method to test if a given velocity definition corresponds to an actual physical flow in a dispersive medium. We utilize the equivalence of the pulse dynamics in the real-? and real-k Fourier expansion ... -
Vortex Lattice of a Bose–Einstein Condensate as a Photonic Band Gap Material
Photonic crystal behavior of a rotating Bose–Einstein condensate with a triangular vortex lattice is reviewed and a scheme for getting much wider band gaps is proposed. It is shown that photonic band gaps can be widened ... -
Vortices in Trapped Boson-Fermion Mixtures
We consider a trapped system of atomic boson-fermion mixture with a quantized vortez. We investigate the density profiles of bosonic and fermionic components as functions of the boson-boson and boson-fermion short-range ...