Browsing by Author "Kuşçu, Hilmi"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Akış kontrol sistemlerinde kullanılan elektrik motorlarının enerji verimliliği üzerine etkileri
Verimlilik, üretim sürecini etkileyen en önemli unsurlardan biridir. Dünyada yıldan yıla artmakta olan enerji tüketimi ve kullanılan enerji kaynaklarındaki maliyet artışı, mevcut enerjinin verimli kullanılmasını ... -
Balance Prediction of the Inertia Wheel Pendulum By Using Swing Up and PID Controller
Kuşçu, Hilmi; Yılmazlar, Eray (2020-06)In this paper, inertia wheel pendulum balance control is performed by using swing up and PID controller. Paper provides predictions on real time design balance system. Predictions were performed through data that were ... -
Design and manufacture of automated controlled test machine detecting braking characteristic of brake lining in vehicles
Timur, Mustafa; Kuşçu, Hilmi; Toylan, Hayrettin (Sage Publications Ltd, 2017)This study has been carried out in order to measure friction coefficient of friction materials used in autos through computer program. Variants such as speed, temperature, and pressure have been discussed and the effect ... -
Design Of Stepper Motor Control Interface With Embedded Systems
Yılmazlar, Eray; Kuşçu, Hilmi; Erdemir, Volkan; Güllü, Aydın (2018-06-20): In this study, the interface design which can be controlled in real time by the step motors which are widely used in the industrial area has been realized. For the purpose of the realized project, the use of the interface ... -
Efficiency Analysis in Solar Panel Energy Systems: AC-DC Conversion Cost and DC-DC Energy Use
Güllü, Aydın; Kuşçu, Hilmi; Yılmazlar, Eray (2020-12)The use of renewable energy sources is increasing day by day. In parallel, the products used in this area are also increasing. Generating electricity with solar panels and using this energy has been preferred in places ... -
Heat Transfer of Brake Pad Used in the Autos After Friction and Examination of Thermal Tension Analysis
Timur, Mustafa; Kuşçu, Hilmi (2014)The brakes used in the autos are energy changing tools. They convert the mechanic energy of car into heat energy through friction... -
Heat transfer of brake pad used in the autos after friction and examination of thermal tension analysis
Timur, Mustafa; Kuşçu, Hilmi (2014)As a result of the friction of brake pads which is one of the factors affecting automobile performances with brake disc, heat energy comes into being. This heat energy causes brake pads to expose to excessive temperature. ... -
Kütle Duyarlı Elma Sınıflandırma Endüstriyel Otomasyon Tasarımı
Toylan, Hayrettin; Kuşçu, Hilmi (Kırklareli Üniversitesi, 2013)In this study, an industrial automation system is developed which enables the apples to be grouped into four by considering their masses. In the study, the force of gravity of the apples’ masses is scaled with a load cell. ... -
Mikrodenetleyici kontrollü akvaryum otomasyonu
Kocaoğlu, Sıtkı; Kuşçu, Hilmi (2015)Bu çalışmada bir akvaryumun elektronik bileşenlerinin otomatik kontrolünün yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Kullanıcı tarafından belirlenen çalışma saatlerine göre bu bileşenler otomatik olarak açılıp kapatılabilmektedir. Ayrıca ... -
Real Time Bicycle Robot Balance Control Using Machine Learning
Yılmazlar, Eray; Coşgun, Ercan; Kuşçu, Hilmi (Unitech, 2020-12)Classic control systems leave the place to artificial intelligence control systems. In this study, an exemplary system is realized. In this study, the balance control of a two-wheel bicycle system was carried out. The ... -
A Real-Time Apple Grading System Using Multicolor Space
Toylan, Hayrettin; Kuşçu, Hilmi (Hindawi Ltd, 2014)This study was focused on the multicolor space which provides a better specification of the color and size of the apple in an image. In the study, a real-time machine vision system classifying apples into four categories ... -
A research on SCADA application by the help of OPC server for the water tank filling system
Toylan, Hayrettin; Kuşçu, Hilmi (Academic Journals, 2010)This study deals with the data exchange issues based on object linking and embedding for process control (OPC) server in industrial automation systems. OPC server is a software developed to solve the driver device problem, ...