Browsing by Author "Arıcı, Mürsel"
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Cd(II)-coordination polymers with isophthalic acid bearing a hydroxyphenylazo group and substituted bis(imidazole) linkers
Arıcı, Mürsel; Semerci, Fatih; Güçlü, Yunus; Yeşilel, Okan Zafer (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020)Four Cd(II) coordination polymers, formulated as {(H(2)betib)(2)[Cd(mu-Hpdia)(2)]center dot H2O center dot MeOH center dot dmf}, (1), {[Cd(mu-Hpdia)(mu-dipib)]center dot dmf}(n) (2), [Cd(mu-Hpdia)(H2O)(2)(mu-betix)(0.5)](n) ...