Browsing by Author "Alçın, Murat"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
A novel high speed Artificial Neural Network–based chaotic True Random Number Generator on Field Programmable Gate Array
It is well observed that cryptographic applications have great challenges in guaranteeing high security as well as high throughput. Artificial neural network (ANN)–based chaotic true random number generator (TRNG) structure ... -
Artificial neural network-based 4-d hyper-chaotic system on field programmable
Koyuncu, İsmail; Alçın, Murat; Erdoğmuş, P.; Tuna, M. (Ismail Saritas, 2020)In this presented study, a 4-D hyper-chaotic system newly proposed to the literature, has been implemented as Multi-Layer Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network-based on FPGA chip with 32-bit IEEE-754-1985 floating-point ... -
Artificial Neural Networks based thermodynamic and economic analysis of a hydrogen production system assisted by geothermal energy on Field Programmable Gate Array
Yılmaz, Ceyhun; Koyuncu, İsmail; Alçın, Murat; Tuna, Murat (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019)In this study, the thermodynamic and economic analysis of a geothermal energy assisted hydrogen production system was performed using real-time Artificial Neural Networks on Field Programmable Gate Array. During the modeling ... -
Bulanık Mantık Üyelik Fonksiyonlarının FPGA Üzerinde Gerçeklenmesi
Karataş, Fatih; Koyuncu, İsmail; Tuna, Murat; Alçın, Murat (2020-04-18)Bu çalışmada, gerçek zamanlı Bulanık Mantık uygulamaları için gauss, triangular (üçgen), trapezoidal (yamuk), generalized bell-shaped (genelleştirilmiş çan eğrisi) üyelik fonksiyonlarının matematiksel modeli referans ... -
CCII current conveyor and dormand-prince-based chaotic oscillator designs for secure communication applications
Chaos is one of the important research areas in recent years. The chaotic signal generator is oneof the most basic structure in the chaos-based researches and applications. In this study,Sundarapandian-Pehlivan Chaotic ... -
Control, synchronization with linear quadratic regulator method and FFANN-based PRNG application on FPGA of a novel chaotic system
Koyuncu, İsmail; Rajagopal, Karthikeyan; Alçın, Murat; Karthikeyan, Anitha; Tuna, Murat; Varan, Metin (Springer Heidelberg, 2021)In this work, LQR method is proposed for controlling and synchronizing newly developed chaotic system. The developed 4-D chaotic system has been investigated via time series, phase portraits and bifurcation diagrams. ... -
Design and implementation of hydrogen economy using artificial neural network on field programmable gate array
Koyuncu, İsmail; Yılmaz, Ceyhun; Alçın, Murat; Tuna, Murat (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020)In this study, economic analysis of the hydrogen generation and liquefaction system has been modeled using Multi-Layer Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network (MLFFANN) and implemented on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). ... -
Design, FPGA implementation and statistical analysis of chaos-ring based dual entropy core true random number generator
Koyuncu, İsmail; Tuna, Murat; Pehlivan, İhsan; Fidan, Can Bülent; Alçın, Murat (Springer, 2020)In this paper, a novel chaos-ring based dual entropy core TRNG architecture on FPGA with high operating frequency and high throughput has been performed and presented. The design of dual entropy core TRNG has been generated ... -
Dormand-Prince Tabanlı Kaotik Osilatör Tasarımının FPGA Üzerinde Gerçeklenmesi
Son yıllarda öne çıkan ve önemli çalışma alanlarından birisi olan kaos ve kaotik sistemler kriptoloji ve güvenli haberleşme, endüstriyel kontrol, yapay sinir ağları, rasgele sayı üreteçleri ve görüntü işleme gibi alanlarda ... -
Fixed and Floating point-Based High-Speed Chaotic Oscillator Design with Different Numerical Algorithms on FPGA
Tuna, Murat; Koyuncu, İsmail; Alçın, Murat (2018-07-25)In this paper, the design of 3D PC chaotic system has been implemented using Euler, Heun, RK4 and RK5-Butcher numerical algorithms in VHDL with 32 bit IQ-Math fixed point number format (16I-16Q) on FPGA. The chaotic ... -
FPGA Tabanlı Farklı Nümerik Algoritmalar ile Kaotik Osilatör Tasarımları
Koyuncu, İsmail; Tuna, Murat; Alçın, Murat (2018)Bu çalışmada, literatüre sunulan sürekli zamanlı otonom 3-Boyutlu kaotik sistem, FPGA üzerinde IQ-Math sabit noktalı sayı formatında Euler, Heun, RK4 ve RK5-Butcher nümerik algoritmaları kullanılarak VHDL dilinde ayrık ... -
FPGA Üzerinde Jeotermal Enerji Destekli Hidrojen Üretim Sisteminin YSA İle Ekonomik Analizi
Yılmaz, Ceyhun; Koyuncu, İsmail; Tuna, Murat; Alçın, Murat (2018)In this study, the economic analysis of a geothermal energy assisted hydrogen production system has been performed using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in real time on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). During the ... -
Gerçek Zamanlı Bulanık Mantık Uygulamaları İçin Üyelik Fonksiyonlarının FPGA Tabanlı Gerçeklenmesi
Karataş, Fatih; Koyuncu, İsmail; Tuna, Murat; Alçın, Murat (2020-02-28)In this study, FPGA-based triangular, trapezoidal and generalized bell-shaped membership function units are designed for real-time Fuzzy Logic applications in accordance with the 32-bit IEEE-754-1985 floating-point number ... -
High speed FPGA-based chaotic oscillator design
Tuna, Murat; Alçın, Murat; Koyuncu, İsmail; Fidan, Can Bülent; Pehlivan, İhsan (Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, 2019)In this study, autonomous Lü-Chen (2002) chaotic system has been implemented on FPGA using Heun numerical algorithm in VHDL 32-bit IQ-Math fixed-point number format for developing embedded chaosbased engineering applications. ... -
Hyperjerk multiscroll oscillators with megastability: Analysis, FPGA implementation and a novel ANN-ring-based True Random Number Generator
Tuna, Murat; Karthikeyan, Anitha; Rajagopal, Karthikeyan; Alçın, Murat; Koyuncu, İsmail (Elsevier Gmbh, 2019)Metastable oscillators are a special case of chaotic attractors with infinite coexisting attractors. In this paper we propose a class of hyperjerk chaotic oscillators which exhibits megastability with and without forcing ... -
IQ-Math Based Designing of Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Algorithm on FPGA and Performance Analysis According to ANN Approximation
Alçın, Murat; Tuna, Murat; Koyuncu, İsmail (2018-08-20)In this paper, the design of the fourth order Runge-Kutta (RK4) algorithm has been performed using 32- bit IQ-Math (16I-16Q) fixed point number format in VHDL on FPGA. The designed system has been implemented into 3-B ... -
A novel ANN-based four-dimensional two-disk hyperchaotic dynamical system, bifurcation analysis, circuit realisation and FPGA-based TRNG implementation
Vaidyanathan, Sundarapandian; Pehlivan, İhsan; Dolvis, Leutcho Gervais; Jacques, Kengne; Alçın, Murat; Tuna, Murat; Koyuncu, İsmail (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2020)This paper describes the modelling, bifurcation analysis, circuit realisation and FPGA implementation of a novel ANN-based four-dimensional two-disk dynamical system exhibiting hyperchaos and hidden attractor. This paper ... -
A novel high speed Artificial Neural Network-based chaotic True Random Number Generator on Field Programmable Gate Array
Alçın, Murat; Koyuncu, İsmail; Tuna, Murat; Varan, Metin; Pehlivan, İhsan (Wiley, 2019)It is well observed that cryptographic applications have great challenges in guaranteeing high security as well as high throughput. Artificial neural network (ANN)-based chaotic true random number generator (TRNG) structure ... -
A Novel Simple 4-D Hyperchaotic System with a Saddle-Point Index-2 Equilibrium Point and Multistability: Design and FPGA-Based Applications
Prakash, Pankaj; Rajagopal, Karthikeyan; Koyuncu, İsmail; Singh, Jay P.; Alçın, Murat; Roy, Binoy K.; Tuna, Murat (Springer Birkhauser, 2020)This paper presents a novel simple 4-D dissipative autonomous hyperchaotic system with a saddle-point index-2 equilibrium point. The dynamics of the new system consists of nine terms with two nonlinear terms. Thus, the ...