Browsing by Author "Özer, Özen"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
An Algorithm for Explicit Form of Fundamental Units of Certain Real Quadratic Fields and Period Eight
Özer, Özen; Pekin, Ayten (European Journal Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2015)In this paper, we have given an explicit formulation to determine the form of the fundamental units of certain real quadratic number fields. This new algorithm for such quadratic fields is first in the literature and it ... -
Common Fixed Point in C*-Algebra b-Valued Metric Space
Özer, Özen; Omran, S. (Amer Inst Physics, 2016)In this present paper, we establish the existence and uniqueness of the common fixed point theorem for self-maps in C*-algebra valued b-metric spaces. Besides, we give example to illustrate our theorem. Findings obtained ... -
A computational technique for determining the fundamental unit in explicit types of real quadratic number fields
Özer, Özen; Salem, Abdel Badeh M. (Inst Advanced Science Extension, 2017)In real quadratic number field Q (root d), integral basis element is denoted by w(d) = [a(0); a(1), a(2), ... , a(l)(d)(-1), a(l(d))] for the period length l(d). The fundamental unit epsilon(d) of real quadratic number ... -
Determination of the Some Results for Coupled Fixed Point Theory in C*- Algebra Valued Metric Spaces
Omran, Saleh; Özer, Özen (Indonesian Mathematical Soc, 2020)In the present paper, we introduce the coupled fixed point theorem in C*-algebra valued metric spaces. We get a C*-algebra valued metric space which get values in noncomutative operators. We demonstrate existance and ... -
Exact solution for sawada–kotera equation using backland transformations and travelling wave solutions
Gharib, G. M.; Özer, Özen (Research Publication, 2021)Nonlinear phenomena are very important in a variety of scientific fields. Finding solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations is one of the most difficult problems in mathematics and physics. A precise solution ... -
Extended q-Dedekind-type Daehee-Changhee sums associated with extended q-Euler polynomials
Aracı, Serkan; Özer, Özen (Springeropen, 2015)In the present paper, we aim to specify a p-adic continuous function for an odd prime inside a p-adic q-analog of the extended Dedekind-type sums of higher order according to extended q-Euler polynomials (or weighted q-Euler ... -
Fibonacci Sequence and Continued Fraction Expansions in Real Quadratic Number Fields
Özer, Özen (Univ Putra Malaysia Press, 2017)In 2002, Tomita and Yamamuro defined several theorems for fundamental unit of certain real quadratic number fields. Although, there are infinitely many values of d having all 1s in the symmetric part of continued fraction ... -
Fundamental units for real quadratic fields determined by continued fraction conditions
Özer, Özen (Amer Inst Mathematical Sciences-Aims, 2020)The aim of this paper is to obtain the real quadratic fields Q (root d) including omega(d) = [a(0) ; ; /gamma, gamma, ..., gamma, a(l) } l-1 where l = l (d) is the period length and gamma is a positive odd integer. Moreover, ... -
A Note on the Fundamental Unit in Some Types of the Real Quadratic Number Fields
Özer, Özen (Amer Inst Physics, 2016)Let k = Q(root d) be a real quadratic numbefield where d > 0 is a positive square-free integer. The map d -> Q(root d) is a bijection from the set off all square-free integers d # 0,1 to the set of all quadratic fields ... -
A Note on the Structure of Certain Real Quadratic Number Fields
Özer, Özen (Springer International Publishing Ag, 2017)The aim of this paper is to determine the general forms of the continued fraction expansions of the quadratic irrational number w(d) which is integral basis element of Z [1+root d/2] also determine t(d); u(d) which are the ... -
Notes On Especial Continued Fraction Expansions and Real Quadratic Number Fields
Özer, Özen (2016-06)The primary purpose of this paper is to classify real quadratic fields Q(?d) which include the form of specific continued fraction expansion of integral basis element ???????????? for arbitrary period length ? = ?(??????) ... -
Özer, Özen (Kırklareli Üniversitesi, 2016)The primary purpose of this paper is to classify real quadratic fields Q(?d) whichinclude the form of specific continued fraction expansion of integral basis element ???? forarbitrary period length ? = ?(??) where d ? ... -
On the C*-algebra valued G-metric space related with fixed point theorems
Özer, Özen; Omran, Saleh (Karaganda State Univ, 2019)There are many fixed point results in the various kinds of metric spaces such as b-metric spaces, quaternion metric spaces, G-metric spaces, uniform spaces, non-commutative Banach spaces etc. In this work, we consider the ... -
On The Fundamental Units of Certain Real Quadratic Number Fields
Özer, Özen (2017)In this paper, we consider the real quadratic fields Q^ h d where d is a square free positive integer congruent to 1(mod4). We constructthe parametrization of d which correspond to some types of real quadratic fields ... -
On the generalized C*- valued metric spaces related with Banach fixed point theory
Özer, Özen; Omran, Saleh (Inst Advanced Science Extension, 2017)The Banach contraction principle, which shows that every contractive mapping has a unique fixed point in a complete metric space, has been extended in many directions. One of the branches of this theory is devoted to the ... -
On the real quadratic fields with certain continued fraction expansions and fundamental units
Özer, Özen; Khammas, Ahmed (Semnan Univ, 2017)The purpose of this paper is to investigate the real quadratic number fields Q(root d) which contain the specific form of the continued fractions expansions of integral basis element where d equivalent to 2, 3(mod4) is a ... -
On the Some Non Extandable Regular P-2 Sets
Özer, Özen (Univ Putra Malaysia Press, 2018)Diophantine 3-tuples with property P-k, for k an integer, are sets of n positive integers such that product of any two of them by adding k is a square. In the present paper, we consider some regular P-k- triples and prove ... -
On The Some Particular Sets
Özer, Özen (2016-12)For t an integer, a Pt set is defined as a set of m positive integers with the property that the product of its any two distinct element increased by t is a perfect square integer. In this study, the certain special P-5, ... -
Özer, Özen (Kırklareli Üniversitesi, 2016)For ?? an integer, a ???? set is defined as a set of ?? positive integers with the property that the product of its any two distinct element increased by ?? is a perfect square integer.In this study, the certain special ... -
On the system of double equations with three unknowns d
Gopalan, Mayilrangam; Thangam, Aarthy; Özer, Özen (Semnan Univ, 2021)The system of double equations with three unknowns given by d + ay + bx + cx(2) = z(2), y + z = x(2) is analysed for its infinitely many non-zero distinct integer solutions. Different sets of integer solutions have been ...